Can Your Design Business Survive COVID-19? Yes, It Can!
While we would never downplay the impact of the current situation with COVID-19, we are also confident that life will go on and business will continue – especially for those of us in the design business who spend most of our days working online. After all, remote conferencing and video chat apps make “social distancing” the norm for us.
“Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand.”
With these things in mind, we ask that you focus first on keeping yourself and your family healthy and safe. Next, do all that you can to stay in touch with your team and clients, virtually, to assure them that you are still involved and committed to their ongoing success.
In fact, this would be a great time to make those Before and After videos of your design projects you’ve been planning, or even to get some online training yourself. (You now have the time.)
Challenge Yourself to Be Optimistic
Finally, rather than thinking of this as a time of struggle, challenge yourself to turn it into an opportunity to grow your design business. Use the time you have to get your marketing ducks in a row and develop a new online marketing strategy to implement over the next month, six months, and year.
For us, optimism is key because we know that life and business WILL return to normal and, when it does, you want to be ready.
If you're curious about how other designers are coping, check out this article from, Remote control: How designers are running their firms from home.
Wishing all the best to you, your family, and your business,
Ted Fall & Team TD Fall
P.S. Ted is currently working on some Zoom presentations and invites you to follow him on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, where more product pictures and links will be posted.
Looking for more tips on growing your design business, new design trends, designer marketing tips, and product ideas? Get in touch with TD Fall today.