6 Common Designer Mistakes Made With Custom Furnishings
We all make mistakes. Regardless of our training and experience, we may get lazy or feel indifferent to a client’s needs. It’s just human nature to “take a day off” when working now and then. And, as Architectural Digest writer Kelsey Mulvey reminds us as his lead-in to the 6 Common Designer Mistakes To Avoid With Custom Furnishings.
“There’s more to furnishing a room than picking out fabric swatches or conducting a sit test: It’s a careful mix of palettes, proportions, and materials—and finding the right balance can be easier said than done.”
He goes on to suggest, “If you’re struggling to find items that are at home in your client’s space, a custom design may be your best option. Admittedly, enlisting a vendor to build a banquette or dining room table from scratch can be a timely and costly endeavor; however, the result is often well worth the investment.”
Personalized Furniture versus Custom Furnishings
Is there a difference between “personalized” and “custom” furnishings? We believe there is. For example, changing the stain and/or finish on a client’s Chiffonier makes it a personalized piece of furniture. However, ordering that elegant chest of drawers with a unique design, and having it built to your client's specifications will make it a custom furnishing.
In an effort to make the difference clearer, you might be choosing between a store-bought sofa with personalized fabric for example. On the other hand, custom furniture takes a piece that does not exist except in someone’s imagination and must be built by a craftsman who can take it from concept to reality.
A great example of the difference between the two is the high-quality, custom designs, and artisanal craftsmanship of the luxury furniture from Michael Trent Coates, perhaps better known as MTC Studio Designs.
Below we’d like to offer a few examples of where MTC Studio Designs has grasped an abstract concept that has been realized and built to order.

Whether you choose to label this piece a Chiffonier or simply a chest of drawers, you have to agree with us when we say the craftsmanship is obvious, the hardware is unique, and a statement is made for the owner.

Is it possible for dining in to be as elegant as dining out? We think this image speaks for itself, declaring an emphatic “Yes” with this customized design from MTC Studio Designs.

If this image doesn’t grab your attention and make you go, “Aah”, we may not be able to help you. This room is a combination of dramatic, uncommon, and extraordinary. It’s almost like this space is saying, “Come in. Or else.”
MTC Studio Designs from TD Fall & Company
We are very proud to represent the MTC Studio Designs line of truly unique, compelling, luxury custom furnishings. We are also happy to help you design truly custom furniture for your clients and use MTC Studio Designs to have it realized.
Stay tuned for more of our takes on designer mistakes made with custom furnishings in future posts.
Now, designing a piece and taking it from abstraction to reality is not easy. But, if you can see it clearly in your mind, we can help you realize your vision. Simply… Contact TD Fall today.