Interior Design Trends – Do They Even Matter?
This is the time of year when we are not only told what the Color of the Year will be in 2024; we are also deluged by so-called experts regaling us with what is supposedly trending in every category of our existence. Interior design trends are no different, of course. Yet, while we are cognizant of the fact that we must share some of these with you, we can’t help but wonder just how important such generalizations can be.
You see, a generalization is simply “The formulation of general concepts from specific instances by abstracting common properties.” (Power Thesaurus) Or, in other words, it is the broadening of specifics to abstractions or concepts.
And so, if you accept the declaration of a trend, you must then turn around and reduce it to something specific to apply it. That is, you must articulate a definitive use of the overall trend to meet each of your individual clients’ needs.
That’s a lot of work when you think about it. Especially when you consider color trends for example, as paint manufacturers declare various shades of blue, or green, or gray, or something else to be the next Big Thing.
Statistically, generalizations and trends matter – until you encounter a specific need or purpose for them. Then, they become nothing but a guide for your approach to a particular situation, or for an individual (i.e., a client)
And yet, we share articles and posts about interior design trends and other popular directions in luxury furnishings on the regular. And no, that does not make us hypocrites. Rather, we think it’s important to know what consumers and homeowners are being told about the latest trends in home design and furnishings so that we may guide you and you may guide them in their choices.
With all of that in mind…

Home Design Trends Happening Now
Again, interested homeowners regularly search for trendy solutions to their home design needs. For many, is a priority in their quest. Since it’s important to know what consumers are being told, we’d like to share a few of those things with you.
In the article linked above, author Mitchell Parker offers seven trends, of which three affect us directly: trending colors, tones, and styles.
As always, there are conflicts evident in not only trending colors but also in the shading and tones that seem to be popular. While you can never go wrong with neutral, earthy colors, combining them with vibrant tones can create contrasts that may lead to conflict and/or discomfort. You should be especially careful when following these trends.
“While warm neutrals are popular, some designers say they’re hearing a lot of requests for bold, saturated jewel tones,” he writes.
Backing farther away from his own declaration of the popularity of bold colors, Mr. Parker declares the ongoing celebration of timeless style in home design. Claiming that “Old is new again,” he quotes designer Alex Thies of Adelyn Charles Interiors as saying. “We are seeing a lot of even our most modern clients incorporate ‘old’ elements such as brick, handmade clay tiles, rustic wood elements, and arches everywhere. It’s a new eclectic ‘earthy modern’ vibe that we are here for.”
In other words, this particular trend is a departure from “trendy design styles” with an “appreciation for more timeless design choices.” As if resisting trendy home design choices is something new among designers and their clients. (Yeah, right!)
What Does This Mean?
Stated simply, while they can sometimes illuminate, declarations of home design trends merely illustrate that homeowners need a guide for the choices they are going to make. Since this is a pretty good job definition for interior designers and furnishing dealers, you should be aware of them but not let them control the choices you offer your clients.
Ted remains available to offer guidance when it comes to using conflicting home design trends to better serve your clients. With more than a quarter-century of experience in the trade, his business consulting services may be just what you need in these challenging times. Simply… Contact TD Fall today.