Professional Copywriting – Outsource it and Save Mental Energy
Specialists dominate our economy, whether online or in the “real world”. There’s a reason for this and it’s pretty simple: we recognize that no one can be an expert at everything. For example, baseball pitchers can’t hit; quarterbacks can’t catch; public speaking coaches aren’t dieticians. And, more important for us today – none of them are or excel at professional copywriting.
Now, when it comes to types of copywriting, there are several areas where professionals will specialize. Some copywriters focus on website copy. Others spend their time creating landing pages and sales pages (and some of those go further, specializing in products over services, and vice versa). Some writers are great at creating emails and newsletters for you and some are great at writing blog posts for you.
Finally, there are the ghostwriters. These are specialists who can write “in your voice” and can speak to your audience in ways you simply can’t. They are excellent collaborators who can literally write a book for you. They can also generate high-value opt-in content on a variety of subjects you can give away to build your email subscriber list.

Stop Wasting Mental Energy on Onerous Tasks
Did you know there is an increased cost to doing tasks that you struggle with, or simply hate to do? Besides the time wasted and the focus diverted from areas where you excel, there is a huge price to pay in mental energy!
Entrepreneurs and small business owners are often proud of their ability to multi-task, taking on any challenge that affects their business at any time and dealing with it effectively. But there’s a real cost to working this way, in both emotional and mental energy that is physically draining.
Why? Because, as explained in an article at, “Apparently, the human brain is not designed to be able to do two or more things at once.” This is especially true if the tasks are difficult or dreaded.
Further, “Multitasking involves two distinct stages: one is goal shifting and the other is rule activation. Goal shifting consists of deciding to focus on another task than the one you are currently [working] on. Rule activation consists of turning off the ‘rules’ for one task and turning on the ‘rules’ for another.”
What does all of this have to do with outsourcing copywriting for your business?
If you find writing particularly difficult and taxing, you're wasting mental energy that could better be used to – oh, maybe get more clients – or devote more time and energy to the ones you have.
Why Outsourcing Copywriting Makes Sense
Spending so much time and energy on a task that you find especially burdensome doesn't make sense. We’ve supported some great clients who simply stretch themselves too thin and wind up exhausted, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Too many of them get that way because they hate writing copy, emails, and lead magnets instead of focusing on acquiring and servicing clients.
It makes sense to stop wasting your valuable time and outsource that work to others who can do it faster and more effectively. And we can help!
Do you still have questions? We can help with that too. As a business consultant to the trade, Ted is familiar with and can introduce you to a professional copywriter or two who can help. Simply… Contact TD Fall today.