What Does Success Look Like… To You?
Pretty much everyone wants to be successful, right? Few people say that, as a child, they wanted to grow up to be a failure but, success has no universal meaning. That is why the most popular question among consultants, mentors, and coaches is usually: What does success look like?
You probably noticed the part that’s missing there: To you.
For us, that’s the most important part of the question because each of us has our own definition of success. “A state of prosperity or fame”, which is found in a dictionary, seems far too narrow and narcissistic. “An event that accomplishes its intended purpose” is too shallow. “An attainment that is successful” too circular (success is about being successful).
Plus, in the face of our new changing world, each of us will surely answer that question differently than we would have just a year or two ago.
So, perhaps we should ask instead: What does success look like – to you – among shifting today’s paradigms?

Set a Flexible Business Vision
While it may be true that life seems like it hasn’t changed much for those of us who work in the virtual world, many feel isolated, and others are living in fear. Moving forward, there may be some serious residual anger from folks who lost income or loved ones. Even relationships are being stretched to their limit in some cases, with differing views on causes and potential solutions causing conflict.
With these things in mind, preparing your business for our current business environment should be high on your list of To-Do Items now. In other words, whatever you're doing now to keep your business viable, be conscious of the fact that your short-term choices may have long-term consequences. So, be prepared, and be flexible.
Without sounding too negative, there could be some significant changes in how you're able to do business. Granted, for first-world economies like ours, a dystopian future is unlikely. Yet, you should probably take into account the range and severity of the challenges others are facing.
Whatever your niche, your vision for the future of your business should include the evolving needs of potential clients, such as:
Safety – Set conditions that ensure the safe operation of your business.
Authenticity – Be sincere in all you do, and respect others’ need to express their needs, fears, and frustrations.
Stability – Be the rock they can rely on, the stable foundation from which to move forward.
Reliability – Bring back as many familiar faces as possible and commit to being there for your clients.
Meaning – Significant changes require a significant response. Be true to your vision of the future and share it freely.
It should also be mentioned that, if you work with a team, they too will seek these qualities (and more) from their leader. (Maybe our recentblog post on goal setting for your business will be helpful.)
It’s becoming a bit of a cliché in the world of sports, but it is no less true that, for a leader, the greatest ability is availability. Be available. Be visible. Be relatable.
Are you struggling to decide what success looks like for your business? Maybe we can help. Simply… Get in touch with TD Fall today.