Types of Optin Offers to Build Your Email Subscriber List
With the diversity of interior designers and furnishing dealers we work with across the country, it’s virtually impossible to share every type of optin offer that you might choose to offer. However, the following are some of the most common – and effective – examples we have seen.
As we shared in an earlier post:
Once you receive a subscriber’s email address in exchange for the valuable piece of information you offered them to opt-in to your list, you have an audience with whom you can engage. You can do this through newsletters, nurture email campaigns, “check-in” emails, event notices, and promotional materials.
This is how you begin to build relationships with your target audience in our digital world; relationships that show your expertise, create trust, and have the potential to generate conversions. (Yay, sales!)

Interior Design Optins
It goes without saying that many, if not most, people who consider working with an interior designer are interested in reimagining a particular space in their homes. Then again, some may be searching for nothing but new paint colors, high-end wallcoverings, or designer rugs. Potential clients like these will not be interested in tips about remodeling a kitchen, living room, or the whole house. So, your optin gifts must be targeted to smaller segments of your local design market.
Paint color of the year
Secrets of hand-tied springs for seating and/or bedding
What does “Artisanal” mean and why they should care
The value of Craftsmanship in luxury home furnishings
What is the difference between tufted and woven carpeting and rugs?
Types of wallpaper
What to know about an Interior DesignConsultation (with questions they might ask)
Since each of these optin gifts will appeal to a different segment of your target audience, you will be able to build your subscriber list with a diverse mix of potential clients whom you know are interested in what you offer.
Remember, free stuff generates interest and interest can eventually lead to conversions! This is why it makes sense to give away information you might be inclined to sell instead. So…

General Remodeling Tips
While many business owners are hesitant to simply give away their expert knowledge, it’s important to remember that you must build value and interest with the gifts you offer – value that is equal to or greater than the priceless remuneration you will receive in return – the email address of potential clients.
Top 5 DIY Remodeling Tips
4 Easy Steps to Hang New Wallpaper
Interior Designer Consult Checklist for Homeowners
How to Select and Install New Bathroom Fixtures
Best Space to Remodel to Increase the Value of Your Home
Now don’t start sweating at the thought of giving away such valuable info, with no guarantee of a return on your investment (of your training and experience).
The Secret Behind Valuable Optin Gifts
You see, the secret to this approach is this: even if you give away explicit, step-by-step instructions on how to install and finish the tile surrounding a beautiful new step-in bathtub (for example), it’s likely that 99% of those who need one will not have the patience or willingness to do it.
In other words, giving subscribers to your email list information that would otherwise cost them dearly has little to no risk for you. For example, anyone who would take your advice to start and complete a DIY remodeling project would be extremely unlikely to hire a designer anyway.
For the rest, they will receive your gift and think, “Wow, this designer knows their stuff. I should at least ask them about a consultation and estimate for remodeling my master bath.”
That about does it for a blog post, where space and attention spans are limited. In closing, it’s important to remember that a good optin gift solves a single important issue for your audience. It should then be followed with a series of emails to discover if the information you shared was helpful, eventually offering them a consultation.
Whether you offer a design consultation at no charge or for a minimal fee is entirely your choice. (Again, the high-value offer equals a high value in return – their time in front of you.)
And remember, Ted remains available for marketing and business consulting to the trade. Simply… Get in touch with TD Fall today.