5 + 3 Interior Design Marketing Tips (OK, that’s 8!)

A recent article at FurnitureToday.com captured our attention and imagination, both for the value of the information offered and its brevity. In the article, designer Paula Grace Halewski was interviewed, sharing her insights into how designers can grow their business and build client relationships.

5 Interior Design Marketing Tips

As mentioned above, and unlike so many articles that offer “5 Tips for Growth” or “7 Tips for Business Success” or “101 Ways to Make More Money”, Ms. Halewski does not try to teach you how to restructure and rebrand your design business in 300 words or less. Instead, she offers a quick, intelligent outline of five simple steps you can take to enhance your design business – immediately.

  1. Develop a relationship with retailers – Many designers don't have direct accounts with manufacturers so that the retailer can be an asset, an extension of the designer's team.
  2. Be a teacher – DIY consumers will need assistance, and the designer is always in the role of teacher when it comes to interior design. Having the specific knowledge and resources DIY consumers don’t have places us in an invaluable consultant/teacher role.
  3. Tune into individuality – I'm seeing more consumers valuing individuality or their unique expression of who they are. Custom designed and/or niche pieces are in higher demand in my practice.
  4. Help consumers feel at home – I’m finding consumers wanting to root themselves in their home and communities. To create the ultimate haven, consumers will seek things that make them feel protected and safe. This means technology, yes, but also furnishings that make them feel grounded.
  5. Build your brand – If a particular designer's brand appeals to consumers, then that designer and her brand are assets to a furniture company. That's how licensing agreements are born.

3 Interior Design Marketing Tips

Now, having complemented the article for being brief and to the point, we would like to add a few things to this list:

  1. Develop Support Partnerships – not just with local retailers but with other service providers as well, including plumbing contractors, carpenters, finishers, upholsterers, and others. By creating and building relationships with these providers, you’ll begin to build a team that can support you over the long term, building your reputation as a designer who gets the work done – on time and on budget – which will only enhance your brand.
  2. Market to Millennials – through a focus on lifestyle, including what is most valued by this increasingly important demographic: sustainability, technology, openness, connections and collaboration, freedom and fun. Not only are millennials the fastest growing age group in the US, but they are also already the largest, as well. You ignore them at your peril. (For more on this critical demographic, check out this blog post: Marketing to Millennials [INFOGRAPHIC].
  3. Boost Your Online Identity – overcoming the inherently impersonal nature of the internet is a challenge for all of us today. Online shopping has reached a critical mass – and continues to grow. As a result, your design business website may well be your greatest asset. It goes without saying that, for a designer, your sit must be beautiful, but it must also be informative, compelling, quick to load on any device – and mobile-friendly!

Looking for more interior design marketing tips? Get in touch with TD Fall today.


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