Designer Business Building Tip – When You See Obvious Interior Design Mistakes
According to a recent article at, there are several common home design mistakes that DIY homeowners make. For today’s designer business building tip, we would like to highlight some of the most challenging situations you may see when you’re approached by one of the do-it-yourself types of client. (Or, would that be former do-it-yourselfer?)While you have to admire their conviction and determination, their lack of design experience and training often takes the DIY designer to a place they would rather not be. As a talented interior designer, when you see obvious design mistakes, you know it’s not your place to make negative judgments about their choices. Instead, your job is to offer design solutions they will enjoy.When the TV Dominates Living Room DesignPerhaps the most common design mistakes from DIY homeowners is this one: designing a room around the television while allowing the TV to dominate the space. While understandable to some extent, since this is where many families gather, it can leave guests wanting.Despite a lovely, comfortable living room design, the TV dominates this space to the point of distraction. This will force guests to focus on electronics rather than their hosts, and vice versa. When you see a room like this, your challenge will be to keep the focus where it belongs, with a living room design that emphasizes people; both guests and hosts.When Style Trumps ComfortFor the uninitiated, the style will often take precedence over comfort – and even utility. When a sharp designer is confronted with a situation like this, stylish alternatives will come quickly to mind.
Regardless this dining room may look to your client, or you, the purpose of the chairs is to be sat on, hopefully in comfort to make the dining experience pleasant (at a minimum). Choosing dining chairs based solely on a trendy style, rather than comfort, is a definite DIY design mistake. As a designer, your challenge would be to maintain the look and feel of this space, while dramatically increasing the comfort of the diners.Choosing Inappropriate Design ThemesConsistent design themes make a strong impression and increase comfort in a space. However, decorating too much in the same print can be overwhelming and tacky.
A home's decor needs to be authentic and provide a sense of where you are, as well as who you are – as a homeowner and as an interior designer. Bringing order to chaotic or inappropriate design themes is a challenge you will likely see fairly often. Be ready!Unbalanced Furniture PlacementFinding balance in design choices can be difficult, especially for the DIY homeowner. For example, a sofa with mass cries out for smaller surrounding pieces to compliment it.
Some people don't have an eye for furniture arrangements, and cannot balance a room. Shifting the pieces in this room to make the space more dynamic would be challenging, so replacing some for them may be necessary. If the furniture has sentimental value to your client, it can always be used in another room, as long as it adds balance to the new space.Cluttered Spaces DominateWhether you find a cluttered kitchen or disarranged family room, cluttered spaces dominate many homes. Although many homeowners deny caring, claiming they’re “not trying to impress anyone,” clutter adds stress and discomfort to any home.
Helping your clients reduce clutter throughout their home will enable them to enjoy the space and feel more relaxed. It may also increase the value of their home, which is also a good thing. As we’ve said so many time here, the kitchen is truly the heart of most homes and the hub of family activity, but all this activity can cramp your kitchen's style. Piles of dirty dishes and countertops crowded with small appliances aren't appealing.Are you looking for more business building tips for your design business, new home design trends, designer marketing tips, and product ideas? Get in touch with TD Fall today.