Hot Home Design Trends – Smart Home Technology
Staying on top of the latest trends in home design is not always easy, yet it can be critical to your success as a designer. While it seems like cool new items are hitting the market constantly, knowing what your clients are looking for is extremely important. “So,” you may be asking, “what are they looking for now?”Now, we may not know everything about what’s hot, but we do know this – SMART home products are HOT home products.
Smart & Hot Home Products
One of the hottest trends in home products at the moment, and for the foreseeable future, is the use of Smart products in the home. From gadgets to appliances; Smart refrigerators and Smart air conditioners to Smart faucets and Smart thermostats, wireless technology and thought-free programming are making a formidable home invasion. If you hope to grow your design business in 2016, you need to be on the cutting edge of Smart home product technology.Here are just a few examples of some hot and smart home product trends:The 4-Door Flex™ refrigerator from Samsung is an energy-efficient marvel, with 30 cu. ft. capacity counter depth and high-efficiency LED lighting, this refrigerator features a Triple Cooling System designed to maintain optimal conditions within the refrigerator and help keep perishable fruits and vegetables fresher, longer. It also offers Flex-Zone™ cooling, allowing the home owner to choose Fridge or Freezer functions in the bottom-right door. With an MSRP of $3999, this is a beautiful, mid-range Smart appliance for the home.
This hands-free faucet is available as part of the Jason Wu Collection from Brizo™ Faucets. After many years in the making, the two brands are delighted to introduce the Jason Wu for Brizo collection, a stylish powder room suite that merges the signature styles of both brands in a line of products for the bathroom.
The iComfort S30 Smart Away from Lennox, uses the GPS in your smartphone to detect when you're leaving, and automatically increases system efficiency. If you or a family member returns home, Smart Away then returns your system to a normal schedule and comfortable temperature.
It may seem like a lot to grasp, but automated homes are fast becoming the wave of the future, including: automated deadbolt locking systems, remote security and home monitoring, even remote controlled voice/video interaction with pets. As you begin to re-imagine your client’s home for them, make sure you keep these Smart Technology Solutions in mind.