Bold or Subtle Interior Designs - Often, the subtle will draw the eye better than the bold
Every neighborhood has one it seems, the garish purple (or pink) house that all of the neighbors complain about, and that the HOA seems powerless to resolve. Yet, while bold design choices need not overwhelm or offend, the question must be asked: Which is the right choice for your client, bold or subtle?Additionally, one might ask, how bold? Or how subtle? And of course, who decides?Clients often look to make a statement when they ask you to help them reimagine a space I their home. It’s the nature of that declaration, combined with the personalities involved, that will determine just how audacious or delicate a pronouncement your client will wish to see you offer them.While none of the examples below are particularly outrageous, the differences are certainly clear, and telling. The key to success will often be to present your client with degrees of differences that address their inclinations and vision. That way, if you happen to move beyond their comfort level, you will be able to easily pull back.Which kitchen speaks to them most clearly?Though the only difference between these two kitchens is the palette used on the walls, they have clearly different feels to them. When you consider other possibilities such as alternate flooring, lighting, and appliances for example, the opportunities for making a bold or subtle statement become much more obvious. ( feel fits?What would you change in these family rooms?While the layouts are identical, opportunities abound for personalizing these similar spaces, based on the desires and personalities of your clients. You could easily shift the feel of the first with different flooring, while a splash of color would transform the second. Then again, perhaps each of these homeowners made deliberate choices that reflect their lifestyles to perfection.What would you ask to learn more about their bold or subtle choices?
Personal choices like these are extremely individualized and, as we all know, homeowners can be very protective of them. Yet, if they’ve asked for your help, they are seeking alternatives and must be coaxed gently toward the direction you think best, based on the vision of the space they’ve presented. Keep in mind though that moving too far in either direction, whether bold or subtle, may cause problems in the long term.No matter how bold you believe they wish to be, it may be best to offer relatively subtle choices at first, until they tell you to “Go for it!”