Helping Your Clients to Be Master Entertainers
Though not directed at interior designers per se, an insightful article at the website offers some hints to the sharp designer about helping clients make their homes more guest-friendly. Titled, “What Guests Really Notice in Your Home,” the article presents a To-do list for homeowners expecting guests. While some of these tips are well beyond your abilities to help, you would do well to keep a few of them in mind if you have a client who likes to entertain.From the scent of the home to displaying fresh flowers and eliminating clutter, the homeowner’s responsibilities are minimal but effective. Obviously, sharing such tips with your client would be to your long-term advantage. For the rest of the list, you can certainly offer solutions as you work to reimagine the spaces in the home:A Well-Stocked BarWhile it is not your responsibility to ensure that the bar is “topped off” and ready to serve the needs of any guest, there is nothing that says you can’t make it an interesting conversation piece, and even a focus of the designated entertainment space.A Well-Appointed Guest BathroomFocus on the spaces that will see the most traffic during a party. The guest bath is obviously one of these spaces, and it has the potential to make a statement on behalf of the homeowner; at a minimum, that she cares about the comfort of her guests.
An Organized EntrywayFirst and last impressions – well – make a lasting impression. Keeping this area welcoming yet well-organized can be quite a challenge but, in the long run, it will pay off for the homeowner.
Again, while actual party-prep is not your responsibility as a designer, helping your client feel comfortable in their home, and in the ways they use the spaces you design for them, certainly is. Keeping these few points in mind when working with clients who enjoy entertaining can only help you help them make their guests comfortable.Looking for more new design trends, tips, and ideas? Get in touch with TD Fall today.