Strategic Marketing Doesn’t Have to Be Your Most Hated Chore! (There’s plenty of other biz stuff you can hate!)
Seems like all anyone can talk about these days is being strategic for anything and everything you want to do, doesn't it? It's always about “thinking strategically” when you do this and making sure you “create a strategy” for that. It’s almost enough to make an entrepreneur loathe planning for anything; be it strategic marketing, list building, lead generation, or client acquisition.
Or, lately, going to the store, eating out, even entertaining guests – not to mention whether you're “allowed” to.
By now, you must be asking yourself what the big deal is about being strategic with your online marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and yes, your brand building.
And you may well ask… “Who said it’s so important, and why?”
The simple answer is, “Everyone”. And yes, when we say everyone, we mean us too. For example, we’ve presented more than a few blog posts about the importance and benefits of strategic marketing in the past. These posts include everything from revising your ideal client profile to post-pandemic strategizing to strategic email marketing, business goal setting, and more.
So yes, you can say that here at TD Fall we are fully committed to being strategic about brand building, business building, lead generation, and all types of marketing. This includes content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and maybe even direct marketing (which could include “snail mail”).

5 Reasons Strategic Marketing Matters (Make that 5 x 2 reasons)
A well-defined marketing strategy helps you:
Set – and reach – your business goals.
A realistic marketing strategy keeps you focused and organized, enabling you to track your successes and (gulp!) your failures.
Stay agile and responsive to the needs of your target market.
Know when something works so you can do everything possible to keep it on track or make it better.
Know when something doesn’t work as planned, as well as why, so you can fix it!
If these are not enough reasons to convince you it’s time to develop a strategic marketing plan, here are five more reasons that should:
Top marketers are organized – The most organized marketers are 397% more likely to report success.
Top marketers set goals – Goal-setting marketers are 376% more likely to report success. 70% of the most organized marketers achieve their goals Most of the Time, while an elite 10% of organized marketers Always achieve them.
Top marketers document their strategy – Marketers with a documented strategy are 313% more likely to report success.
Top marketers proactively plan projects and campaigns – Marketers who proactively plan projects are 356% more likely to report success.
Top marketers use agile project management processes – Marketers using agile project management were 252% more likely to report success.
This data was borrowed from a 2019 marketing survey of B2C and B2B marketing teams by the folks at
Let’s Talk About Your Strategic Marketing Plan
While we’ve made it as clear as possible that we believe every online marketer needs a strategic business plan to succeed, it must also be said that it’s never been more important than it is as we move from 2022 to 2023! Never… More… Important!!!
In fact, after the madness of the past few years, your strategic marketing plan is so important, it comes before Step One! It’s done pre-marketing; that is, the first thing you MUST do before you invest your valuable time, energy, and money in any marketing activities.
Stated simply: Your guide to whom you target, how you talk about your business, and how you differentiate yourself from all other businesses in your industry. It is the strategic foundation of your marketing house.
If you’d to discuss the things we’ve shared about strategic marketing, feel free to… Contact TD Fall today.